The Île-de-France digital university was set up following a call for projects launched in 2003 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (ESR).
Both anchored in the regional territory and well integrated into the higher education environment, UNIF is the only structure to have a global and transversal vision of all the establishments in the region in the digital field. This gives it a major role in the complex landscape of higher education .
Governed by its member institutions, UNIF is an agile structure that aims to facilitate and accelerate digital projects within the Île-de-France region for higher education institutions. This unique operator allows, with and for higher education institutions , to extend and develop innovative projects carried out in the institutions, to set up experiments that contribute to the basis of innovation, to deploy new digital services for all higher education users at the regional level. Find out more about who we are?

higher education & research institutions
3 CROUS and
1 Fondation
1 campus
5 Instituts
1 Museum
1 Collège
Our services

Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL)
UNIF brings together all of its actions related to teaching and learning practices in the form of a Center for Teaching and Learning. This integrated structure aims to provide member institutions with a single entry point for the following four historical actions, as well as to maximize their synergies: Training, International Monitoring, Learning Spaces, and Publications.

Infrastructure — le datacentre francilien
On behalf of its members, UNIF operates the Île-de-France regional datacenter , certified by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. In cooperation with local authorities via a GIE and relying on a professional datacenter operator, Euclyde, UNIF is thus able to offer hosting of tier 3+ server bays, network interconnections and essential local gestures to your IT department.
New services such as computing bays, hosting of virtual machines or research data are under study or in the process of being finalized.
Our DataKairos tool , developed with the help of the Île-de-France region and the Caisse des Dépôts, provides decision-making support on the opportunity to migrate to the regional data center on which your establishment depends, taking into account environmental issues.

The Île-de-France Digital University is a territory, a project and member institutions. With the support of local authorities and the State, they are combining their efforts to successfully implement a digital development policy in the region.
42 Établisements membres de l’UNIF
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis
Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne
Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Université Montpellier – Paul Valéry
Université de Franche-Comté
Université de Lille
UTC Compiègne